Hangzhou Huatai Optic Technology Co., Ltd. (Huatai) was established in 1999 which is Located in the Hangzhou Hi-Tech Development Zone. Taking advantage of the modern broadcast and optical fiber communication technology. We are specializing in R & D of CATV system equipment, and leading manufacturer of HFC broadband optical transmission equipment with strong R & D capability in this field.
Only the optical fiber satisfies unlimited bandwidth. It prompts the development of the fiber-optic area with the usage of FTTH (FTTP) to carry out the Triple-play network. FTTH access technology mainly includes two kinds: The EPON and GPON access technology based on the passive optical network PON, and the one based on the Ethernet P2P access technology. Huatai FTTx product series are baaed on the usage of these two types of technology. The products are full of competition with the telecom-class’s reliability, network management ability as well as the high P/P ratio of Huatai products.
 FTTx product series based on GEPON: OLT-1408, ONUx-1000.
 FTTx product series based on Ethernet P2P: OLT-4000, ONUx-4000.
 FTTP EDFA product series: HA5800.
 FTTx CATV receiver.
The traditional CATV, analog and digital video broadcast apply efficient modulated mode for RF sub-carrier. It’s economy, flexibility and efficiency of broadband is un-comparable by IPTV. With all the strength and efforts devoted into the R & D of fiber CATV transmission field during these years, Huatai gradually forms some products with core technologies which are playing a vital role in the Triple-play and distribution network.
 HT8527A: 1550nm analog external modulated optical transmitter applied to the RFTV transmission of the backbone network.
 HT8515B: 1550nm analog external modulated optical transmitter applied to the IP/QAM, VOD supplied by the sub-head end.
 HA5000: 1550nm EDFA apply to the backbone and distribution networks.
 RFA5000: Fiber raman amplifier apply to the CATV extra long fiber-optic cable.
 HDCM-F: Dispersion compensation module (DCM) apply to the CATV extra long fiber-optic cable.
 HT1500: 1550nm direct modulated optical transmitter apply to the IP/QAM, VOD supplied by the sub-head end.
Satellite live broadcasting TV developed greatly all over the world for its unique advantage as the satellite TV technology developed. It also caused the competition and integration of the three large Network TV: DVB-S, DVB-T and DVB-C. Huatai DVB-S fiber-optic transmission and distribution system supply a whole solution method with high quality and low cost to the sharing satellite receiving aerial, satellite live broadcasting TV, integration of CATV and SAT live broadcasting.
Huatai is always in pursuit of the dream of ‘triple-play’ in CATV field, with continuous technology and products innovation; Huatai has become the leading enterprise in this field. Brand expresses value, practice embodies selfhood.