Product description
Huatai BG8244 is a type of alumium profiles optical receiver . The product builds-in RF interstage gain adjustment and equalization. Users can choose one-way or two-way high output level with the insert. The product is used in FTTB, FTTN, FTTC and used as a Rx unit of CATV. It is a type of receiver with high flexibility, excellent performance and P/P ratio.
BG8244x-LE has this four types:
BG8244A-LE-NC: operating in 1260~1620nm wavelength, used in CATV system with
analog TV channels.
BG8244D-LE-NC: operating in 1260~1620nm wavelength, used in CATV system with
analog TV channels.
BG8244A-LE-WD: built-in CWDM,RFTV operation wavelength 1550nm,pass wavelength
1310/1490nm,(links EPON, GPON ONU).
BG8244D-LE-WD: Built-in CWDM,RFTV operation wavelength 1550nm,pass wavelength
1310/1490nm,(links EPON, GPON ONU).
 Product features
 Excellent AGC features: Pin: –7.0dBm~+2dBm, ΔVo : ≤±1. 0dB
 Output level and slope are continuously adjustable in range of 0~15dB
 Ten-segment input optical power indication
 Four different configurations are applicable for different Networks:
BG8244A-LE-NC is applicable for analog TV
BG8244D-LE-NC is applicable for digital TV
BG8244A-LE-WD is applicable for FTTx PON
BG8244D-LE-WD is applicable for FTTx PON
 Excellent fuction and reliability
 Excellent P/P ratio
 Main application
 Block diagram